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Edit, Film, France, Ghibli, Tv

Catching Up

Bottle Shock

Bottle Shock Pictures – Rotten Tomatoes
It’s a movie about drinking,so yeah…I was attracted.Also it stars Alan Rickman, who is one of my favorite actors, and now that I have Netflix, I really can’t pass these up.
The movie is all about California wines vs French Wines. Who makes the better wine? Naturally people thought the Californians were a bit nuts, but apparently they make a damn good glass of wine. So to settle this, Rickman decides to hold a wine tasting. The best of France vs the best from the states. It really isn’t a…shock…as to who wins.While not a fast paced movie, it is in no way “boring”.
Having already said that I love Alan Rickman, naturally I thought he played his character incredibly well.He’s pompous and very British which is exactly what his character needed to be. Many will recognize the lovely Chris Pine from Star Trek, not only because of his very nice looking face,but because his role as Captain Kirk is exactly the same as his role as Bo Barrett. Both cocky. Both sons of men who are very good at what they do and well known for it. Both trying to sleep with the obvious female lead. It is the same role. Other recognizable actors/actresses are Dennis Farina, Eliza Dushku, and Freddy Rodriguez (known for Detective Fontana from Law and Order, Bring It On‘s Missy, and Carla’s brother on Scrubs.Respectively).While I thoroughly enjoyed the movie, the historical inaccuracies are hard to overlook(if you actually bother to look them up).Because of them, the movie gets bumped down to a solid

I honestly can’t and won’t spend too much time on this one. You can’t talk about it without giving anything away . What I can say…well Nolan is always a good director. DiCaprio never fails in a performance. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is also a great actor and managed to stay super adorable while being quite the tough guy. Ellen Page will never escape the grasp of Juno. Ever. She still did a good job though. And I always enjoy seeing Michale Caine. All of these actors (along with the others I didn’t mention) did a great job. While I couldn’t help but think that Leo was playing the same character as he did in Shutter Island, he did an excellent job nonetheless. Similar, yet different.
Basically DiCaprio and JGL are extractors.They go in your dreams and steal information from you,sometimes in one layer(one dream), sometimes in multiple layers(therefore multiple dreams). After a failed mission they are offered a job to implant an idea in to a person via dreams, hence Inception. They accept and set off on an action packed movie to perform this inception.
The soundtrack was done by Hans Zimmer who basically makes wonderful music. All of the songs give me chills every time I hear them(because I’ve seen this movie twice and could probably see it a third time). He has been composing for nearly 20 years and the man obviously knows what he is doing. The only song I don’t like is “Non, je ne regrette rien” mostly because I just find it a bit annoying. It has nothing to do with the French, I just don’t care for it.
That’s all I can say.One, it would take waaaay too long to explain everything, and frankly I am waaaay too tired.
Overall a great movie.Even if it is about 2.5 hours, it is an easy one to sit through entirely.

UPDATE!!!! I guess I should,oh I don’t know…mention a bit more of what I actually thought of the movie. As your Facebook feed might have told you, it is something of a mind-blowing movie, but you don’t leave feeling confused. I think what I liked best about seeing this movie (twice) was that you could have such long and involved conversations with other people who had seen it.Inception is truly a movie you can nerd out to. There are so many theories one could debate over (ie, Was Cobb dreaming?). It’s quite Lost-like in that sense.

And let’s face it. The rotating rooms (Yes, the rooms rotated  around JGL) are mind-boggling. I couldn’t help but stare in awe. There is something about that scene that is almost breath-taking. Maybe it was the rotations, but it was mesmerizing.

New York, I Love You

Seriously,the cast is huge and impressive. It features many familiar faces that we haven’t seen in such a long time….Orlando Bloom, Hayden Chirstensen, Shia LaBeouf (J/k!He’s in everything). It’s a very Love, Actually-esque movie with the exception that everyone doesn’t get a Taylor Swift type happy ending. Personally I find this much more realistic, and therefore I enjoyed it much more.
So there are lots of little plots going on throughout the movie and just like Love, Actually, everyone is connected via the character crossover(which I love).While some of these crossovers aren’t as apparent as others (most of them simple pass each other on the street), they help prove that even though New York is HUGE, it’s still not as big as one might think. They are also united by the film shot by Zoe, the videographer as they all appear in her film.
Out of all the plots, it was kind of hard for me to pick one as my absolute favorite. I loved the fifth story staring Anton Yelchin(known for Chekov in Star Trek) and Oliva Thirlby (known as Leah, Juno’s older man loving friend). It’s a witty story about a guy who basically just wants to get some at Prom. He’s in a for a big surprise when he sees his date, though. Another fave starred Orlando Bloom and Christina Ricci. Basically Bloom really likes Ricci’s character,but actually has no idea what she looks like. I also enjoyed seeing some clip of Ghibli’s Tales from Earthsea. What can I say?I nerd out.
My least favorite was about some hook up between Bradley Cooper and Drea de Matteo. I just didn’t like the look or feel of it. I kind of felt as though I were watching porn. Even more so than when Ethan Hawke described (in a fair amount of detail) all the sexual things he wanted to do with a girl.I can never watch Dead Poets Society again.
Overall I thought it was a cute movie. It’s fairly quick,but doesn’t always feel that way. It made me laugh and tear up a bit.

About Maggie J.

A Professional Nothing hoping to be a Professional Something™.


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August 2010

